Oct 23, 2007

Fear God

This past Saturday, I accompanied 8 youth and 2 other adults to FrightFest at Six Flags Great America. Below is a copy of the Bible study we discussed during dinner. If you are leading a ministry event related to this Halloween season, feel free to use it or adapt it as you wish.

What was the scariest thing you’ve seen or done so far at FrightFest?

Is there a difference between being scared and being afraid / fearful?

Do you have fear about something in real life? If so, how is that different than being scared?

Martin Luther explains that the First Commandment (You shall have no other gods) means that we are to fear and love God above everything else. What do you think he means when he says we are to fear God?

The Bible tells us that fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom. What could this possibly mean?

The Gospel of Mark ends with three disciples seeing Jesus’ tomb empty and a young man instructing them to go tell the other disciples and meet Jesus in Galilee. But the last verse reads, “So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.” (THE END)

Why were the disciples afraid when they discovered Jesus was risen from the dead? How would you have reacted in that situation?

Thinking back to your answer about having fear for something in real life, did this involve something you really care about or somebody with whom you have an intimate relationship? How might that help us understand what it is like to have an intimate relationship with God by following Jesus?

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