May 17, 2007

amp'd Spirit

Now that my semester is officially over (I'm still working on finishing an incomplete though), I want to get back to blogging. But after just finishing a marathon sprint of writing papers, my brain still isn't functioning at full speed. So to give my noggin a rest, I'm putting the vocational theology series on ice for a bit. I know, you all are so sad, right?

Instead, I thought I'd share with you an experience I had tonight. I went with our confirmands to Ascension Lutheran Church to celebrate the Ascension day worship. When I first picked up the kids, I was struggling to stay awake so I stopped on the way to pick up an energy drink. In the five minutes it took to drive to the church from there, I chugged an Amp Cherry Tallboy by Mountain Dew. (btw...if you want to waste an hour, check out their totally awesome website).

I gotta tell ya, it was the most lively worship experience I've had in a while. I was really feelin' the Spirit move me. Well, the Spirit or the amp . . . it's hard to tell the difference sometimes. Even the can is red, the color of the Spirit. The music was uplifting, the prayers were powerful, communion was rich with God's saving presence. I was on my feet dancin' and clappin', giving my all to praise Jesus. I'm sure all this had to do with God working through the gifted worship leaders, but the amp couldn't have hurt the cause.

For a second, I thought I should feel guilty for my drug-enhanced worship experience. But then I realized that most Lutherans drink coffee together every Sunday morning, so why not amp?! It's so much better than coffee for getting butts up out of pews. So at the risk of being branded a heretic and blasphemer, the next time you're on your way to worship, stop by and get yourself a can of Spirit . . . er, I mean amp.

Happy Ascension Day!!!

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