Jan 31, 2009

I'm baaaaaaaaack . . .

Hi blog fans.

Sorry for the absence in blogging. And thanks to all of you who checked in with me, knowing that my not blogging may be a sign of my depression getting the better of me. I'm happy to report that is not the case this time. Our home computer crashed several months ago. Since then, we've been using an old laptop that runs really, really slowly. So I haven't had the patience to upload anything, including blog posts.

Thanks to my sister and brother-in-law, we now have a new(ish) home computer. And, I'm finding more time to be on campus to go to the library where I have computer access also. Hence, back to blogging.

I've had so much to write about too. I can't possibly go into it all now. But I wanted to get the ball rolling again and give a little preview of things to come.

Since my last post, I've been working with a vision team in Milwaukee to discern what Jesus is calling us into for evangelizing and making disciples of young adults and people with a postmodern worldview. I've been approved to be a mission developer, and our vision team has completed the ministry plan. With that document in hand, we have met with our bishop and his staff as well as the city coalition's consultation team. And now we are ready to share the vision, invite people to come experience the ministry to see Holy Spirit in action, then bring partner congregations on board. In the weeks and months to come, you will be able to follow our progress here on this blog.

So, stay tuned.


Eric said...

It's a joy to hear your (blogging) voice again.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I'm so glad to be able to again follow your journeys. Hey, did you know there's The Little Christian now? Check it out at www.thelittlechristian.org
--Liz H. from Chicago